CAPrivEye: okay let me recap our last few class... CAPrivEye: then onto tonight's class... CAPrivEye: next week will be an open forum night CAPrivEye: with an online test and real time discussion... CAPrivEye: sort of a practical exam... CAPrivEye: not graded of course... CAPrivEye: but only to reinforce our lessons... CAPrivEye: let me recap for 10 minutes CAPrivEye: in our first class we discussed our most powerful tool. ... the... CAPrivEye: telephone CAPrivEye: with our telephone we can call experts or people with the... CAPrivEye: information we seek... CAPrivEye: to obtain... CAPrivEye: this is easier and free!!!! (except toll charges)... CAPrivEye: plus we can obtain more information by a cooperative person ... CAPrivEye: on the... CAPrivEye: other end... CAPrivEye: of our line CAPrivEye: with the telephone we have two options... CAPrivEye: 1- tell the truth in our request for information... CAPrivEye: 2- pretext (commonly referred to as pretending)... CAPrivEye: this is when we develop a false but believable story to ... CAPrivEye: obtain... CAPrivEye: information from... CAPrivEye: an expert while using ruse... CAPrivEye: in our next class we discussed the internet as an ... CAPrivEye: investigative... CAPrivEye: tool CAPrivEye: the internet has many opportunities for success... CAPrivEye: however what we are looking for are searchable databases... CAPrivEye: not dead end web sites... CAPrivEye: we seek information from searchable web sites... CAPrivEye: these include CAPrivEye: 1- email directories... CAPrivEye: (email directories have fe successes as not everyone is ... CAPrivEye: listed)... CAPrivEye: (but when they are we get plenty of free information)... CAPrivEye: 2- white page directories... CAPrivEye: (this is listed telephone numbers, that can be searched ... CAPrivEye: by name... CAPrivEye: or address)... CAPrivEye: (even a reverse telephone # database exists that we can ... CAPrivEye: run a #)... CAPrivEye: (here we have the added benefit of not being limited to ... CAPrivEye: area code... CAPrivEye: as in 555-1212 or... CAPrivEye: the telephone companies directories assistance)... CAPrivEye: 3- yellow page listings... CAPrivEye: (this encompasses pretty much every business in ... CAPrivEye: America)... CAPrivEye: 4- American Medical Assoc.... CAPrivEye: (membership database) CAPrivEye: 5- SSDI or Social Security Death Index... CAPrivEye: (this allows use to search for dead people by name or ... CAPrivEye: social... CAPrivEye: security #, or address... CAPrivEye: and then provides us with all filed information )... CAPrivEye: 6 - FAA or Federal Aviation Administration... CAPrivEye: (searchable database for pilots and airplanes)... CAPrivEye: a number of smaller or boutique searchable databases exist ... CAPrivEye: and are... CAPrivEye: listed in our... CAPrivEye: class materials but need not be mentioned here since they ... CAPrivEye: have... CAPrivEye: special or... CAPrivEye: limited application) CAPrivEye: we also learned... CAPrivEye: that on the internet one of first stops might be Internet ... CAPrivEye: Sleuth... CAPrivEye: at CAPrivEye: because this has listed and hyperlinks to over 2,000 free... CAPrivEye: searchable databases on... CAPrivEye: the internet)... CAPrivEye: last week we discussed CAPrivEye: information brokers... CAPrivEye: information brokers are businesses... CAPrivEye: that buy and sell information... CAPrivEye: two forms of information they buy and sell are... CAPrivEye: 1- business (such as indexes, mailing lists, newspaper ... CAPrivEye: searches,... CAPrivEye: and credit... CAPrivEye: header)... CAPrivEye: 2- government... CAPrivEye: (this is federal, state and local in scope)... CAPrivEye: (not all government records can be bought but many can) CAPrivEye: information brokers come in a few types... CAPrivEye: 1- the original buyer on information... CAPrivEye: 2- piggybackers (which buy from above and resell, they ... CAPrivEye: are found... CAPrivEye: many places on the internet... CAPrivEye: )... CAPrivEye: 3- combination... CAPrivEye: (these have regional strengths and national presence)... CAPrivEye: some too are found on the internet but most are not... CAPrivEye: the original information buyer is NOT found on the internet... CAPrivEye: okay........#1 and #2 sell information at reasonable rates ... CAPrivEye: but... CAPrivEye: require you be a business... CAPrivEye: and sign their membership agreement (i recommend those ... CAPrivEye: without... CAPrivEye: monthly fees) CAPrivEye: #1 can be accessed via hyper-termnal programs or proprietary... CAPrivEye: programs... CAPrivEye: #2 can be accessed via fax, telephone, or computer... CAPrivEye: #3 can be accessed via fax, telephone, or internet... CAPrivEye: I highly recommend #3 information brokers for people that ... CAPrivEye: have a... CAPrivEye: small volume... CAPrivEye: we have last time visited a few sites were these folks ... CAPrivEye: exist... CAPrivEye: when choosing an information broker I recommend... CAPrivEye: using one that is a licensed PI or... CAPrivEye: a member or Information Industries Association... CAPrivEye: CAPrivEye: or Association of Independent Information Professionals or ... CAPrivEye: AIIP... CAPrivEye: at CAPrivEye: the type of reports we can access via information brokers ... CAPrivEye: include... CAPrivEye: the best timely... CAPrivEye: timeliness of any report available in civilian channels... CAPrivEye: and sometimes better that some law enforcement channels at ... CAPrivEye: times!... CAPrivEye: so any questions before we move on to nights class?... CAPrivEye: anyone? MS8904: what qualifications do you need to become a P.I. CAPrivEye: all state governments have different qualifications CAPrivEye: for some states CAPrivEye: just registering is enough CAPrivEye: in calfornia you need 6,000 hours of investigative expereince CAPrivEye: then take a test CAPrivEye: if you pass then you get the chance to pay the goverment somemore money CAPrivEye: then you get your license MS8904: How do you get that experience? CAPrivEye: in california you can work for another PI, or be a former law enforcement person CAPrivEye: that has investigative experience, being patrol is not enough CAPrivEye: some PI's come from the federal intelligence services MS8904: Who do you contact to find out the qualifications in other states to become a P.I. CAPrivEye: or federal law enforcement CAPrivEye: each state government has a licensing bureau CAPrivEye: in california it is the Consumer Affairs Department CAPrivEye: same agency that licenses hair dressers! MS8904: You do hair too? CAPrivEye: haha..............i never turn a case down! CAPrivEye: whenever i am asked by an attorney 'how did you do that?" CAPrivEye: i always state..........."that costs extra." CAPrivEye: because people really want to know how we do what we do CAPrivEye: locating missing persons is a good example CAPrivEye: many people think it is magic CAPrivEye: but really it is just hard work CAPrivEye: and knowing how the experts do it CAPrivEye: what techniques they use and how do they get past obsticles CAPrivEye: any more questions? BCFUNDING: what are we learning tonight? CAPrivEye: how to use the internet for investigations MS8904: Wonderful CAPrivEye: what little might be out there MONTANA192: GOOD CAPrivEye: but where it is and what it is BCFUNDING: we are under a tornado watch so let's move as quickly as possible MONTANA192: Where are You BCFUNDING: oklahoma CAPrivEye: the internet is becoming a NICE little tool to be used... CAPrivEye: and frankly it has changed some of my search methods... CAPrivEye: the intenet can be accessed through AOL by clicking on the ... CAPrivEye: blue... CAPrivEye: globe on the top of this... CAPrivEye: screen CAPrivEye: we will find that the internet has a number of free data bases... CAPrivEye: (lease be advised that we are on lesson two's ... CAPrivEye: information)... CAPrivEye: the datebases are:... CAPrivEye: 1 - white pages... CAPrivEye: 1 - white pages... CAPrivEye: 2 - yellow pages... CAPrivEye: 3 - e-mail pages... CAPrivEye: 4 - business listings... CAPrivEye: and of course a number of others exist too... CAPrivEye: booted again! CAnder7466: Time to upgrade? MONTANA192: WOW CAPrivEye: no but a master listing of white pages... CAPrivEye: on this page is over 1 billion records, now that is ... CAPrivEye: powerful... CAPrivEye: searching!... CAPrivEye: okay here is the beta site ... CAPrivEye: that soon... CAPrivEye: will be totally active ... MS8904: didn't mean what I said Teach, just joking CAPrivEye: but now can demonstrate how i am working on... CAPrivEye: adding informaton once to locate records in over 8 ... CAPrivEye: different... CAPrivEye: databases... CAPrivEye: CAPrivEye: CAPrivEye: CAPrivEye: CAPrivEye: CAPrivEye: okay this site beta or a test site... CAPrivEye: this is only a beta site now or a test site... CAPrivEye: but within a few weeks i hope to have the full site up to... CAPrivEye: you can save all these places to YOUR FAVORITE PLACES... CAPrivEye: now i like this as you need no longer to locate all the ... CAPrivEye: best... CAPrivEye: telephone or yellow page... CAPrivEye: sites on the internet CAPrivEye: send me an IM and I will send you a hyperlink to click on OnlineHost: Margen3 has entered the room. BCFUNDING: thanks I saved it as a favorite place last week MONTANA192: It says unknown host CAPrivEye: okay i am getting an error message, has anyone else brought up the page? CAnder7466: I got bad site CAPrivEye: yes i did too, but i know it is up, just not right now CAPrivEye: as you can see the internet still has some problems CAPrivEye: but try again later CAPrivEye: i will explain internet telephone directories now... CAPrivEye: they come from one of three companies... CAPrivEye: Metro Mail or Data Base America, or CD... CAPrivEye: they are generally 3-12 months out of date... CAPrivEye: and only listed listed telephone numbers... CAPrivEye: or listed addresses CAPrivEye: business information is good... CAPrivEye: as one in business wants to advertise... CAPrivEye: but homes are different... CAPrivEye: so often these white pages are only a nice starting point CAPrivEye: that may or may not help us... CAPrivEye: there is no such thing as an unnlisted e-mail address!... CAPrivEye: it may not be listed in a database, but is not unlisted... CAPrivEye: and currently e-mail directories are okay at best... CAPrivEye: they are getting better though... CAPrivEye: and the white pages are getting better too CAPrivEye: but for now, we are provided with 3 months or more current... CAPrivEye: information... CAPrivEye: now in our library is the class 2 information or materials... CAPrivEye: please look at all these url's they are pretty neat... CAPrivEye: and i have only included urls' that have databases that you ... CAPrivEye: can... CAPrivEye: search... CAPrivEye: you will find only about a couple handfull's of url's that ... CAPrivEye: are... CAPrivEye: really hot... CAPrivEye: but, watch they are getting much better CAPrivEye: and more are coming online... CAPrivEye: the social security number death index is neat too at... CAPrivEye: CAPrivEye: or http://www, CAPrivEye: this database tells you when someone died by... CAPrivEye: seaching either name or social security number... CAPrivEye: the key here is the subject needs to be dead... CAPrivEye: whcih can help if you are searching for relatives and not ... CAPrivEye: sure if... CAPrivEye: they are still alive CAnder7466: Hello? MS8904: Can you find someone"s SS# if they are alive and how do you do that? CAPrivEye: when searching YAHOO CAPrivEye: keyword for social security number death indexes is "SSDI" CAPrivEye: no living persons SSN is in a database on the internet CAPrivEye: they must be dead MS8904: You can get that through the Family Tree Maker. CAPrivEye: super what is that URL? MS8904: Hold on CAPrivEye: the SSDI is one of a few databases on the internet that is searchable MONTANA192: You say E_mail addresses are not unlisted. Do you mean to tell me that anyone who knows you CAPrivEye: this is a good tool if looking for family members MONTANA192: your name cant get your E-Mail address MONTANA192: Can Get I mean CAPrivEye: e-mail addresses are not all listing, but if they are, there is no such thing as a MS8904: CAPrivEye: unlisted email address, but most are not within a database MONTANA192: Oh OnlineHost: CAnder7466 has left the room. CAPrivEye: please send an IM if you like and I will return the SSDI icon CAPrivEye: for hyperlink CAPrivEye: these sites are gr8 if you are looking for someone dead that might be a key to seeking someo CAPrivEye: ne now alive MS8904: Here is the address for SSDI BCFUNDING: how up to date is the SSDI site? MS8904: Pretty accurate CAPrivEye: these SSDI databases CAPrivEye: are getting very good because all deaths are now computerized CAPrivEye: okay please wait for one moment while i go to our next site CAPrivEye: okay next site is from the American Medical Association CAPrivEye: it is the doctor finder or doctor database CAPrivEye: please send me an IM and I will send the hyperlink CAPrivEye: at MONTANA192: I can't seem to semd you an instant message Please send me one MONTANA192: I got it thanks OnlineHost: Crash25744 has entered the room. CAPrivEye: okay the AMA database is just one here is another CAPrivEye: the Federal Aviation Administrations pilots database is online too CAPrivEye: and so are the plane registrations CAPrivEye: this database is lengthy so send me an IM Crash25744: CAP is there any websies I could use to locate someone?Other then the usual CAPrivEye: this database has a listing of all pilots in the USA CAPrivEye: this can be an important tool if your subject is a pilot MONTANA192: Crash He went over that last week Crash25744: OK thanks but they aren't that Iknow of....sorry I don't want to hold anyone up MS8904: Crash he has uploaded the last two classes. Go to the library and download them. OnlineHost: ICheng2828 has entered the room. Crash25744: Where do I go to download? OnlineHost: MWHILBURN has entered the room. OnlineHost: ICheng2828 has left the room. CAPrivEye: okay a few more sites are the sexual predators from Florida Attorney General CAPrivEye: in Florida they believe that criminals CAPrivEye: should be on the NET! MS8904: The library. Before you sign into class you will see Library. click on Library Crash25744: ok MONTANA192: Should we send you an instant message MONTANA192: for the fla info CAPrivEye: so please send me the IM again and I will return the hyperlink MONTANA192: Is fla the only state with this info OnlineHost: Crash25744 has left the room. CAPrivEye: okay here is another one OnlineHost: Crash25744 has entered the room. CAPrivEye: the Oregon State UCC listings from the Secretary of State CAPrivEye: please send me an IM MONTANA192: Is there anything in New Jersey that's juicy CAPrivEye: CAPrivEye: so far only Oregon has the UCC listed on the net CAPrivEye: okay here is the point of showing you these sites, is that not all states have CAPrivEye: information on the net yet, nor do i think that they will, but some have MONTANA192: I heard that you can find out if someone has been in prison CAPrivEye: 2 years ago a guy in Oregon bought the states, Drivers records in Oregon CAPrivEye: and placed it on the NET! CAPrivEye: well as you can figure, many complaints were sent MONTANA192: Who did he buy them from CAPrivEye: The state government CAPrivEye: in Oregon MONTANA192: Did that person get in trouble CAPrivEye: all states sell this information in bulk CAPrivEye: no it is not illegal CAPrivEye: okay what are your questions at this point? CAPrivEye: in our library is a complete listing of sites MONTANA192: Of individual states? MS8904: Any sites for Pennsylvania? MONTANA192: New Jersey? BCFUNDING: I tried to look up a person on SSDI site that died in April 98 and was not found. Is the CAPrivEye: no sites in PENN, but a few that are national such as the FAA site BCFUNDING: info not that current? CAPrivEye: SSDI sites are only updated from time to time CAPrivEye: not always correct CAPrivEye: since this database comes from the Social Security Administration it is then MS8904: You expect the Federal Gov to be up to date BCFUNDING/ CAPrivEye: uploaded on the web by someone that is trying to sell something on the web CAPrivEye: actually the SSDI is since it is how social security checks are sent out from CAPrivEye: when it comes to money the government seemsto do well BCFUNDING: can this info come straight from the SSA CAPrivEye: it is just all the others things they fail or are slow on CAPrivEye: yes str8 from SSA MS8904: Yea, if prior to 1934 you will not find anyone at ALL CAPrivEye: on CD Rom then uploaded CAPrivEye: on someone's private sight CAPrivEye: yes that is right about not finding someone before 1934 CAPrivEye: okay next question/ CAPrivEye: ? BCFUNDING: but SSA does not have their own site? MS8904: Are you married? CAPrivEye: yes SSA has a site but not a database on this sight with names or SSN's CAPrivEye: since it is a federal crime for government employee's to release private in formation CAPrivEye: on individuals CAPrivEye: one year or $1000 fine CAPrivEye: next question? MONTANA192: Does everyone have an FBI record MONTANA192: I mean file CAPrivEye: i am not sure........... CAPrivEye: anymore questions? CAPrivEye: okay moving on then MS8904: I guess my question doesn't warrant an answer? CAPrivEye: in our library is the complete listing under class 2 materials CAPrivEye: i am not married..was CAPrivEye: okay........ CAPrivEye: moving on......... MS8904: Sure MONTANA192: f CAPrivEye: what we are finding that the internet MONTANA192: sorry i hit a letter MS8904: Do you give an advanced class as well? CAPrivEye: no CAPrivEye: this is as good as you can get! CAPrivEye: even professional PI's are no better MS8904: Ok, just asking MONTANA192: After we graduate you will send us a signed copy of your book right CAPrivEye: i wish a had made that much to do so. CAPrivEye: but i am just under-contract BCFUNDING: yea, the pages fell out of mine CAPrivEye: really? BCFUNDING: yea MONTANA192: Can he get a new one at least CAPrivEye: used it that much? MONTANA192: BC said he would scan us your book BCFUNDING: no just had it in my car and the sun must have messed up the glue CAPrivEye: oh:(.......... CAPrivEye: okay let me finish up here..............the internet MS8904: I'll buy your book, CAPrivEye. CAPrivEye: has few places that are organized CAPrivEye: and no one stop shopping sites for information CAPrivEye: unless you use information brokers CAPrivEye: such as or CAPrivEye: but the free sites are getting better CAPrivEye: but know this that if it is free someone what's something CAPrivEye: or wants something CAPrivEye: or wants to sell something CAPrivEye: the assocaition databases are the best MONTANA192: Really OnlineHost: MMJF7827 has entered the room. OnlineHost: MMJF7827 has left the room. MONTANA192: Do you think eventually the info brokers will go out of business? CAPrivEye: but the free sites such as the SSDI are selling genealogy stuff MONTANA192: Because of the net? CAPrivEye: but they offer a nice free service CAPrivEye: web pages and databases must be paid for CAPrivEye: and this is done by selling products or web advertising CAPrivEye: but much of these sites are good but not always updated MS8904: CAP, to do genealogy stuff you must physically go to the archives. You will not find alot MS8904: on the net CAPrivEye: even YAHOO's telephone site is not very good CAPrivEye: but in our next class i will discuss other places to go CAPrivEye: for information and government records CAPrivEye: so this is it............i will stand-bye for any questions MONTANA192: Do you think that the info brokers will eventually go out of business because of the net CAPrivEye: no MONTANA192: Why CAPrivEye: i believe that some information brokers will sell information to anyone though CAPrivEye: remember all these databases cost money, CAPrivEye: who can afford to give this information away CAPrivEye: so someone will need to charage for it OnlineHost: Margen3 has left the room. MS8904: Do you need special software to do Information Brokers work? CAPrivEye: no MONTANA192: Good question MS8904: Well, how can they find more than we can? MONTANA192: Good question CAPrivEye: they buy information from the government wholesale CAPrivEye: in bulk MS8904: Are you going to tell us about that? CAPrivEye: such as all drivers records in PENN or Oregan MONTANA192: How do they know who to contact? MS8904: Really CAPrivEye: they have been around for sometime MS8904: Duh!!!! MS8904: How do we find out about that? MONTANA192: Do they contact Clinton directly? CAPrivEye: all states sell information on disk but it costs for example drivers records in Oregon CAPrivEye: costs $175 BCFUNDING: then each update is additional? CAPrivEye: yes every 3 months same $175 MS8904: How do we find these organizations? CAPrivEye: you can see how expensive it gets CAPrivEye: it is the state government MS8904: Sure, how do we find them? MONTANA192: The Starr report was free CAPrivEye: depends on the information you want MS8904: You are becoming very evasive Scott MONTANA192: True CAPrivEye: the major clearinghouse in Washington DC is the CAPrivEye: NATIONAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION MS8904: CHILL CAPrivEye: okay see you next week MONTANA192: Should we E_Mail you for a direct connect